Latin folk dancing in Helsinki
Photos from a couple of Latin folk dancing events in Helsinki

This past year I have been lucky enough to be asked to do some voluntary photography in a couple Latin folk-dancing events in Helsinki. Performers for these events come from all over world ranging from Chile to Mexico, Spain to Finland; very international affairs showcasing the culture, passion and talents of their countries and of the performers.
The two photographed events span the full year of 2022. The first event from April, 2022, held at the "Chapple" in Espoo, Finland features dances from Peru and Nicaragua. The second set of dances were from the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead at the Annantalo Cultural Center in Kamppi, Helsinki in October, 2022.
All the dancers pictured are volunteers and have spent months learning the choreography that they pulled off to great applause! Most of the dancers are from the Askelten Palo / Pasos de Fuego volunteer group in Helsinki (I hear they are always looking for more volunteers!).