This is our life. No dress rehearsal.

About Duleepa 'Dups' Wijayawardhana

Welcome to "This is our life. No dress rehearsal". If you are curious that is a line warped from the Tragically Hip song"Ahead by a century"-- Gord Downey and the boys definitely knew how to poignantly capture life in song. Certainly in my life there has never been time to have a dress rehearsal.

I've never been very good about writing about myself, suffice it to say, like anyone in this world, you won't know me till you meet me, and if you are reading this and don't know me, I look forward to some day meeting you! The following is the introduction in my LinkedIn profile, hopefully it does an adequate job.

Currently the Chief Tech Officer at Supermetrics, and voted CTO of the Year for Finland (2021) due to the amazing team at Supermetrics, one of the coolest companies in Helsinki, Finland with offices in Atlanta, Dublin, Vilnius, Lithuania, Singapore and across Canada.

I have been lucky to play roles at incredible companies from their formative years to their world domination eras:BioWare Corp ( -- acquired by Electronic Arts -- creators of the greatest video role-playing games ever, MySQL AB-- acquired by Sun Microsystems/Oracle -- the creator of the world's most successful and popular open-source databases.

Together with some of the smartest people I know, I've founded companies with funding from some of Silicon Valley and Canada's leading venture capitalists and angels. One such, Empire Avenue (acquired by Kred/PeopleBrowsr) became one of the top destinations in the world at the time which tried new ideas around gamifying social media and behaviours around monetizing reputation.

I work, advise and consult on technology that brings people together, inspires, innovates and makes sense of the world and ventures that we create. I am a writer, a programmer, an entrepreneur, an explorer, a photographer but mostly just a passionate person. My passion is to create, whether it is to create a team that blows people out of the water, a company that tries something new and unheard of, or a product that I can be proud of.

Proud Newfoundlander and Canadian, living in Finland, born in Sri Lanka but grew up in Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea. Home is Helsinki.

This website has been created with the following technologies: NextJS, , Chakra UI, React Grid Gallery with hosting by Vercel and Google Cloud Platform.

Unless otherwise noted, everything you see here (words, photos, drawings, ideas) belong to Duleepa Wijayawardhana.
Opinions expressed belong to Duleepa Wijayawardhana and never one of his current or former employers.

© 1992-2025 Duleepa Wijayawardhana